There is a new way to love the earth.
Study it for it's mysteries. This is not metaphysics or even eco-chaplaincy, it's biomimicry. The idea is that nature has been testing its designs for millions of years using small steps. Innovating a little bit here and there. Sometimes it works and sometimes it's a dead end. The point of study is that we as humans can no longer add more fuel to make things bigger, make things go faster. We must be smarter and design for efficiency. Brute force no longer is sustainable. Enter the Shark Wheel. The wheel is square...and developed with the idea that all things in nature are not straight. They are waves. These wheels are sine waves. Innovation and the future is not about brute force. It is about elegant, workable designs like Earth has been testing for a long, long time. Check out the free Amazon show: Xploration Nature Knows Best It's about time we are asking: WWES? What would Earth say?
What makes space sacred for you?Making San Francisco Bay Area native, edible & water thrifty gardens... Archives
February 2019